5 Guaranteed Masters Degrees You Can Do after Studying Biomedical Science

5 Guaranteed Masters Degrees You Can Do after a Biomedical Science Degree
5 Guaranteed Masters Degrees You Can Do after a Biomedical Science Degree

Chances are you initially chose to study biomedical science so you can study postgraduate medicine afterwards. After the harsh realisation that postgraduate medicine is very hard to get into, you’re now looking for other options.

Whether or not this is you, you’re in luck because the right master’s degree can make your fairly meaningless degree more useful, and give you a more secure future.

Biomedical science is almost a “jack of all trades” and “master of none” degree. It doesn’t necessarily prepare you for a specific job role unless you decide to complete your portfolio and train as a biomedical scientist.

This is however a field where many are qualified, but few actually find immediate employment in my opinion.

Too many websites claim your opportunities are endless after studying biomed, citing you can become a neuroscientist, nanotechnologist, forensic scientist, an environmental engineer, or even a biomedical engineer.

While these claims aren’t technically impossible, chances are the likelihood of success in the job market, even after you manage to bank these adventurous and fancifully named masters degrees aren’t much higher than when you only had your biomedical science degree.

You must choose wisely as this is your one chance to get back in the good graces of the job market, and make the most out of your biomed degree.

5 guaranteed masters degree you can do after studying biomedical science.
5 guaranteed masters degree you can do after studying biomedical science.

Bioinformatics Msc (1 year)

Bioinformatics is the intersection of multiple disciplines. It merges your knowledge of biomedical science with the analytical capabilities of computer science, mathematics and statistics.

To put things simply, the goal of a bioinformatician is to use biological data to understand biological activities.

An example of this is the use and analyses of DNA sequences to pin point mutations responsible for complex diseases. These studies are known as Genome-Wide association studies.

If you enjoyed genetics, it might be worth looking into the universities that run this course. I would also advice you to check potential vacancies since this role is only just now going on the rise.

Physiotherapy Msc (2 years)

As you probably known already, physiotherapists help individuals who suffer from various injuries and disabilities by promoting recovery through a holistic and rehabilitative approach.

You probably didn’t study Biomed to end up as a physiotherapist, but hear me out; doing a two-year accelerated MSc in physiotherapy will grant you the opportunity to register with HCPC as a physio, and greatly increase your job prospects from entry level, to a more professional standard.

Probably not the career you had in mind, but much better to actually have a viable career option that you may not be actively working in, than to sit around with a plain bioscience degree.

Public health Msc (1 year)

Public health is a lesser known, generic sounding title, but don’t overlook this growing sector. Essentially what it is, is, making sure the public, is healthy.

This usually includes informing about and protecting them from threats to their own health, and ensuring that health services are widely accessible and working efficiently.

You could work in the public sector within your local government, NHS, or even the armed forces. You could also work in private sector run by groups and organisations instead of the government.

An MSc is public health, which usually lasts 1 year full-time may be your ticket into preventing the next generation from obesity and endless other diseases.

Genetics Msc (1 year)

Genetics, is a very, very, broad term. To study a masters titled just “Genetics” may be as bad as studying “general studies”. Get more detailed and choose an area of genetics you enjoyed.

Maybe you enjoyed genetic engineering where you learnt about restriction endonucleases and creating recombinant DNA, or maybe you enjoyed the genetics of human disease when you learnt about dominant and recessive genes.

These are very important areas of genetics that are invaluable to hospitals, university departments, and many commercial organisations such as 23andMe.

Don’t fight the idea of leaving it at master’s level though, as often these fields are undergoing rapid change and may require you to do a PhD to uncover new information.

This will only serve to make you more of an expert in your field. This should literally be your only goal, as it will put you in high demand!

Dietetics MSc (1 year)

simplicity is our theme so dietetics is basically the study of nutrition. After studying a 1 year MSc and registering with HCPC, you will be a dietician.

As part of your course, you will likely undertake training in a hospital and or community. This will give you practice giving advice to patients and help improve their health through their diet.

This is another often overlooked profession, but it can be very rewarding because you are using your specialist scientific knowledge to provide practical information to better a patient’s lifestyle.

Not too dissimilar to what a doctor does!


After studying biomed, it may seem like you’re lost in what to do next. Rest assured there’s several avenues you can explore. These are just a few to get you started.

whatever you do, if you work hard and take time to plan, you will always come out victorious so always look up! Leave your comments and thoughts in the description, i’d love to know what you decide, or what your experiences with university has been thus far!

If you are still unsure about which courses to study, consider checking out my short course where I walk you through several life sciences courses and which ones to study in the future!

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